An undisputed representation of a world map is a world globe. World globes represent the uniqueness of the world as well as all its complexness. It depicts the different countries in their correct size and placement. Overall, the world globe is an ideal representation of the different countries of the world, and we shall be looking at the top world globes in 2022 as we progress in this article.

What is a Globe?

A globe is a spherical representation of the earth which stands as a map. At an angle, they are held in a frame to allow rotation. Globe is coined form “globus” which is the latin word for sphere.

Many globes possess different components such as:

1. Wood, metal or marble stands with different designs and parts2. Meridian or equatorial rings of wood or metal3. Different material struts4. Globe shells with paper or skin covering with gore forms

World globes are usually found in travelers' homes, scientists' homes, or curious people in general. These people typically find world globes fascinating and, most times, even patronize different world globe manufacturers for the varying types since it depicts their interest. Let’s have a look at -

There are different types of world globes, and before you can decide on the one that suits you best, you need to have a good understanding of them or the top ones at least.

Types of World Globes

There are several types of world globes, and to know them better, let's examine them:

1. Tabletop World Globe

It consists of world globes that are usually for any kind of flat tabletop surface. Its diameters typically range from 4-16 inches, making different sizes available for your flat tabletop. Several beautiful models suit your needs and beautify your tabletop, whether in your office, home, bookshelf, etc.

2. Standing World Globe

These world globes are usually placed on the floor as they stand tall. There are several attractive kinds to choose from, making your choice location even more beautified. They are a good choice for your office, home, school, or public venue.Some standing globes have a wooden base, while others have a metal base. Each of these bases is neatly done to ensure the beautification is complete. It comes in different styles and sizes, which makes it possible to find the perfect model for you.

3. Kalifano Gemstone World Globe

These are world globes that have two styles, such as the floor and desktop styles. They are hand assembled by artisans using the semiprecious gemstones that trained craftspeople manually select. The semiprecious rocks have a good texture and vibrant colors, making them more appealing. Their beauty makes them an attention stealer wherever you decide to place them.


Selecting the right world globe for your school, office, home, etc., can be quite a hassle, but with these tips on the different types, there is a better understanding of the right one to buy. You need not rack your brain wondering what kind to get due to the information you acquired in this article.